My observations and recent studies show travel is a way of life for Millennials and Gen-Zs.
Paying Rent Is OK Until You Are Ready To Buy
Don’t feel bad about paying rent until you are ready to buy a home.
The Tax Benefits For Homeowners Have Nearly Vanished
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2018 eliminated many of the tax benefits of homeownership.
Prioritize Starting A 401k Over Paying Off Student Debt
The longer you delay saving for retirement the greater the impact on your future net worth.
When To Pay With A Credit Card or Debit Card To Control Your Debt
The convenience of using a credit card and debit card are great. Tracking your spending is also easier by using a credit and/or debit card. However, the key is to know when to use which one and my system makes answering this question very easy.
Reduce Stress Levels By Discussing Your Financial Situation Monthly
Open communication regarding your finances will reduce the financial stress in your relationships.
How to Calculate Your Monthly Recurring Expenses
Recurring expenses are also referred to as fixed expenses. I prefer recurring vs. fixed as you do have some control on ‘fixed’ amount you will pay each month.
How to Manage and Track Your Discretionary Expenses
Discretionary expenses are items such as; groceries, dining out, entertainment, gas, Uber, and other expenses that you did not fund as a fixed expense.
How to Manage and Track Your Credit Cards Monthly
When purchasing an item by credit card, If you don’t know how your are going to pay for the item you when the payment is due, then you can’t afford it!
Calculate And Compare Your Net Worth Frequently
Just like a report card or employee performance review a personal balance sheet measures your financial performance.